Our Mission
New Leaf will offer an alternative to the endless pursuit of rehabilitation in an urban environment for individuals with a developmental disability and complex needs. New Leaf will endeavour to provide quality supports and services that offer a rural option to individuals with a developmental disability, dual-diagnosis, and/or other complex needs.
New Leaf will embrace the values of personal choice, dignity, social inclusion and self-actualization in all of our services and supports as we assist individuals to live, work and play as valued members of society and the community.
Guiding Principles
The fundamental beliefs and guiding principles that are the motivating force behind all decisions of New Leaf: Living and Learning Together Inc. are as follows:
Citizenship Rights
Individuals have all rights of full citizenship, regardless of their abilities or disabilities.
Respect for the Individual
Individuals have unique needs, goals and desires and should be treated with respect and dignity for their personal choices.
Individualized Planning
The personal goals and desires of an individual provide the direction for developing the services and supports provided by the organization.
Support for Families
Families play an important role in the lives of their family member with a developmental disability and this relationship is recognized and supported.
Building an Inclusive Community
Individuals are supported in their efforts to participate in the community and New Leaf: Living and Learning Together Inc. will continue to advocate and pursue opportunities for inclusion.
Partnerships and collaborative ventures are essential to effectively and efficiently respond to the needs, goals and desires of individuals with a developmental disability.
Managing Change
Change is a necessary part of living and therefore the outcomes of the supports and services provided by the organization will be continually evaluated to respond to the needs of individuals as well as the emerging directions in policy, research and best practices.