Bonjour, bienvenue a New Leaf.
Pour obtenir des renseignements sur les services en francais offerts aux adultes ayant une deficience intellectuelle a Toronto, veuillez communiquer avec:
Services de l’Ontario pour les personnes ayant une deficience intellectuelle
Sans Frais: 1-855-372-3858
Appel local: 416-925-4930
ATS: 416-925-0295
Telecopieur: 416-925-3402
Site Web:
Addresse postale: 2 Surrey Place, Toronto, Ontario M5S 2C2
May 10, 2017 – New Leaf was the grateful recipient of a $10,000 donation from the organization 100 Women Who Care. We are very excited an honored to receive this level of support from caring members of our community. These funds will go a long way to supporting our residents within Aquatics program. Thank you.